Lucy Danger, CEO of EMERGE Recycling, pioneered source separation, reducing, reusing, and recycling waste in Greater Manchester. With more than 25 years of experience in the industry, she continues to lead in environmental initiatives.

She said:

“Almost every month there’s a story in the press about what people should or shouldn’t recycle. There’s such conflicting messaging, even for people in their own home. When it comes to business waste management it’s easy to see why so many industry bosses don’t know where to start.


“Especially during a cost-of-living crisis, every penny counts. Organisations simply can’t afford to be throwing away money as they make decisions about their rubbish, unwanted materials or other waste. I really believe that most people want to do the right thing but aren’t clear about the options available and the impacts of their decisions. Changes must be made soon, to help businesses stop overpaying for ineffective services and also reduce the impact on our planet.


“To simplify business recycling is vital for the whole process, from start to finish. From the people in an office environment who want to know where to put their empty drinks can, to the engineer who needs to know where to safely dispose of pallets of wood or metal drums they no longer require, everyone needs to know the easiest way for those items to be taken away. Most importantly, they need to feel secure and reassured in terms of where those materials end up.


“Consulting on individual business needs, engaging the right – and simple to follow – processes from the start, and giving clear evidence on how much and what happens to their waste once it’s taken away, can make it easier for confused business owners and enable them to focus on their day job, confident they are doing the right thing.


“With a quality-assured, auditable trail of where that waste goes, businesses are also able to pass that knowledge on to customers and future customers too, building confidence and showing their credentials as an organisation that really cares about the impact it has on the world.”

With business waste impact continuing to be high on the agenda of both local and national government, EMERGE Recycling has consistently supported commercial businesses, public sector organisations, charities, schools and other groups across Greater Manchester to review their waste management, simplify business recycling for their systems and processes, give them ultimate confidence in where their waste products go, and more crucially than ever, save them money.

Lucy added: “No two businesses have exactly the same needs when it comes to recycling or removal of their waste so it’s easy to see why it can become complicated for owners as they try to work out the most effective approach.  They often end up engaging several different suppliers, for example, to remove different elements of their waste, which can prove costly and time-consuming for all involved.


“Creating bespoke solutions as EMERGE Recycling does, is imperative to ensure the sustainability of any approach – if it’s not simple for employees to follow any waste disposal systems and processes then people can resort to ‘wish-cycling’ which has been in the news a lot recently.  They will just throw any item in any bin and hope for the best.


“But, that’s not good for either the business or the planet, and that’s why we lead the way in providing simple solutions that get the job done in the most efficient, professional and sustainable way possible.  Being a true partner to those we work alongside is so vitally important – after all, that’s why many of our customers have been working with EMERGE Recycling for a quarter of a century.”

EMERGE, founded by a group of local people in East Manchester, was one of the original pioneers in highlighting the idea and practice of reducing waste, reusing, and recycling in Manchester. It has since grown from a voluntary group into a charitable organisation, employing around 50 people and supported by more than 130 volunteers. The group is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

The group includes Community Benefit Society EMERGE Recycling, which provides waste management for businesses and organisations as well as promoting sustainability and offering advice and information; and Touch Wood which rescues waste wood – including recently wood from Manchester Velodrome and Manchester Town Hall – and repurposes it for resale and reuse in its shop on New Smithfield Market.  Its sister charity, EMERGE 3Rs, runs FareShare GM, in partnership with the national food surplus charity, as well as offering volunteering and employability support to enable people to kickstart their careers and develop new skills.

To find out more, or to book a free waste management consultation with one of the EMERGE experts, call 0161 223 8200 or email